Preventative Medical Tests to Do Regularly

Common Medical Exams to Get Done If there were easy steps you could take today to prevent serious health conditions, would you take them? While chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancers are responsible for seven out of ten deaths across the nation, there’s a lot we can do to fend off these Read More

Four Natural Ways to Boost Energy

Feeling fatigued? Instead of reaching for a cup o’ joe, try these four natural and healthy solutions to boost your energy. Do you feel lethargic first thing in the morning? Perhaps it hits you mid-afternoon? If so, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that 76 percent of workers in the United States report feeling tired many Read More

How to Transform Stress into Success

Tackle your stress by transforming it into a motivator for success. Stress is something we all experience at different times in our lives, sometimes on a weekly or even daily basis. Too much stress can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health, both short and long-term. However, stress can be approached with Read More

Can an Independent Agent Save You Money?

With all the insurance policies you seemingly need, it can be an expensive but important financial expense.  There are few words which make young adults cringe harder than “insurance.” Many people feel that insurance premiums are endless wastes of money being thrown into a bottomless void of insurance, and they may do everything in their Read More

Overcome Your Own Laziness

Laziness sometimes just feels so good, it’s hard to motivate yourself to do anything about it; until now.  We’ve all been there: we’re lying on the couch watching nothing in particular, our mind and heart are telling us that we should do something. Anything. But our body does not respond and chooses laziness. Suddenly your fitness dreams Read More

National Cholesterol Education Month

We’ve all heard it: keep your cholesterol in check! But does anyone know what cholesterol is and what it measures?  Whether you’ve heard the words “keeping your cholesterol in check” from your grandparents, movies, or a box of Honeynut Cheerios, cholesterol seems to be one of those medical words we pretend to understand (like a Read More

Travelling Abroad? What You Need to Know About the Zika Virus & Your Travel Insurance

The Zika virus has spread from South America to the Southern United States, but how does this affect your travel insurance? The Zika virus has caused some understandable panic and concern among travelers hoping to travel to South America. What do we know about the Zika virus? And, will your travel insurance help cover Zika related Read More

Reasons You Should Use an Independent Insurance Agent

Get the peace of mind you need knowing that an independent insurance agent is on your side. When it comes to acquiring insurance, your two options are going through a captive insurance agent or an independent insurance agent. The difference between the two may not seem like much. After all, you just care about getting Read More

How Long Should My Term Life Insurance Policy Last?

Term life insurance can offer you the right protection – provided you choose the right policy term. Term life insurance—as the name suggests—won’t last forever. Rather, it will only last for the length of time (i.e. “term”) that you choose when purchasing your policy. Term life policies range in duration and are typically sold in multiples Read More

Our New Website

Thank you for visiting our newly redesigned website! Our team will be creating regular new articles and updates for the blog pages of our new site for you to read and reference in the coming days. In the meantime, we want to encourage you to browse through the rest of the site to review the Read More