At the workplace, human connection not only enhances teamwork and collaboration, but also promotes employee health and wellbeing. In contrast, telecommuting can deny you these benefits. In fact, at least 20% of Americans who work from home report feeling lonely at some point during the day. Besides, working from home can cause you to feel Read More
If you’re not careful, the demands of modern life can easily cause you to bury yourself in your work and lose track of your social life. Even worse, the work flexibility that allows you to attend a web meeting from your dining room, send emails from your bed, and even work on your vacation makes Read More
Part of the underwriting process for life insurance policies requires you to take a medical exam. The health classification you get is primarily determined by your current health status as well as your medical history. Your health classification, in turn, impacts the life insurance rates you’ll pay. Getting favorable results in your medical exam translates Read More
While 54% of Americans currently own life insurance coverage, this figure is 10% lower than 10 years ago, according to the Life Insurance Market and Research Association (LIMRA). Even worse, about 20% of the current policyholders are underinsured, mainly because they perceive life insurance to be expensive. While life insurance can be expensive, there are ways you Read More
To curb the spread of the novel coronavirus in the U.S., the federal government imposed travel restrictions and lockdown measures in 2020. As a result, most American companies urged their employees to work remotely for safety purposes. Although the government did not entirely ban traveling, especially for essential workers and short-distance travelers, it required them Read More
For over 50 years now, at least 14% of Americans have been unsatisfied with their lives. While some of them seem to have their lives put together, the feeling of dissatisfaction emanates from issues such as following mundane routines every day. For instance, waking up at the same time every day, going to work, being Read More
During the life insurance underwriting process, the insurer requires you to undergo a medical exam to assess the risk of insuring you. If you have an underlying condition such as hypertension, diabetes, or cancer, the insurance provider may deny you coverage due to the high risk, unless your policy is employer-based, according to the U.S. Read More
Sleep is an essential human function that allows the body to rest and for the brain to recharge. When you don’t get adequate hours or quality of sleep, your body doesn’t get the full benefits of a good night’s sleep such as memory consolidation and muscle repair. However, while sleep is vital for your overall Read More
When you go on a trip, you hope that everything will go as per the plan. No one prepares you for eventualities such as a delayed suitcase, a canceled trip, lost luggage, or a sudden fever. While these are pretty normal problems for travelers, being stranded or falling sick overseas without enough finances can be Read More
The year 2020 went down in history as one of the toughest years ever thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, civil unrest, wildfires, and the tough economic recession, according to a recent article published in the Washington Post. Worse still, 2021 is yet to show any signs of improvement. This means that you may have to Read More