Can an Independent Agent Save You Money?

With all the insurance policies you seemingly need, it can be an expensive but important financial expense.  There are few words which make young adults cringe harder than “insurance.” Many people feel that insurance premiums are endless wastes of money being thrown into a bottomless void of insurance, and they may do everything in their Read More

April Is National Stress Awareness Month

Stress is a very real issue that many Americans deal with on a daily basis, but is there a way to reduce stress during National Stress Awareness Month? Everyone feels stress from time to time–some, unfortunately, feel it more often than others. If left uncheck, it can lead to real physical issues that are a Read More

The New Parent Guide to Life Insurance

Life insurance is something that every parent should have to ensure their children will not go through financial turmoil should one parent pass away.  The importance of a life insurance policy grows significantly when you start a family. Your income may play a large role in paying off the mortgage, car payments, student loans, and Read More

National Nutrition Month: Turn Your Life Around

National Nutrition Month is a new awareness month to deal with nutrition: the thing with which Americans struggle.  The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics created National Nutrition Month in an effort to raise awareness about the food you put in your body. The U.S. is amongst the heaviest nations in the world and that’s due to Read More

Why People Don’t Purchase Life Insurance (and Why They’re Wrong)

Life insurance is something that many people often forgo until it’s too late, and their reasoning for doing so is often weak and unmerited.  Life insurance is not mandated by law and perhaps that is why many individuals put off buying it for years. But oftentimes the excuses that people make up for themselves hold no Read More

Why the Rich & Super-Rich Still Need Life Insurance

Without the estate tax, many rich and super-rich folks may think they may not need life insurance, but that thinking may be flawed.  Even if Donald Trump does eliminate the estate tax, there are reasons that the rich and the super-rich will want to purchase life insurance. Frank Seneco, president of Seneco & Associates and one Read More

Marijuana-Smoking Life Insurance Policyholders

Marijuana smoking has been on the rise in recent years due to studies showing its negligible effects on the human body when compared to tobacco and even alcohol. But how will this affect pot-smoking life insurance policy holders? In the wake of the 2016 elections, the number of users–which, by the way, has already hit 25 Read More