Take these notes into consideration when buying a life insurance policy. A life insurance policy is designed to maintain your family’s finances when you are no longer there to do so. From paying funeral expenses, remaining debt, and your child’s college fund, life insurance is a policy that supports your family. There is a lot of information out there Read More
Leave these food items off your plate from now on. Many people are becoming more and more aware of what is good for us and what to avoid on a daily basis. With research and information at our fingertips, a large majority are looking to constantly improve their health through eating the right foods! This Read More
Weigh up the benefits of securing either term life insurance or whole life insurance. Life insurance is a must-have coverage. This kind of insurance is a contract between you and an insurance company that basically says, “should anything happen to you, your beneficiaries will have some financial assistance.” In exchange for premium payments, the insurance Read More
Streamline your busy schedule with these time management tips. Do you ever feel as if there aren’t enough hours in the day? Whether you have a list of things to do or simply keep facing hurdle after hurdle, you may struggle to feel like you’re being productive. Entrepreneurs lead a busy and overwhelming life, whether Read More
Why take the risk of lacking health insurance why you’re away? Encountering the unexpected is part of the travel experience—and no, we don’t mean encounters of the first, second, or even third kind. We’re talking about emergencies that are a bit more likely to occur while you travel. It’s Murphy’s Law: if someone can go Read More
Term life insurance is one of the top policies that everyone needs to consider if they want to financially protect their family and provide an immediate estate for them in the case of their death. Term life insurance is very useful to many under a myriad of circumstances. Since term life insurance is not one Read More
Use these tips to de-stress and start enjoying life a little more. Stress is a modern day problem among many Americans and across the world. Being stressed is not only an unpleasant experience, but it can lead to insomnia, depression, and other health issues. Fortunately, there are tips to de-stress so that you can banish Read More
Why you need to purchase travel insurance. Encountering the unexpected is part of the travel experience—and no, we don’t mean encounters of the first, second, or even third kind. We’re talking about emergencies that are a bit more likely to occur while you travel. They range from the inconvenient, like losing your electric toothbrush, to the Read More
The health reform affects us all. While decisions are still being made, here’s an update on the latest. Earlier in May, the U.S. House passed the ACHA. As for the policy challenges, there are three key moderating areas with the greatest likelihood for changes in the Senate. Those policy areas are Medicaid reforms, tax credits to purchase Read More
Feeling fatigued? Instead of reaching for a cup o’ joe, try these four natural and healthy solutions to boost your energy. Do you feel lethargic first thing in the morning? Perhaps it hits you mid-afternoon? If so, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that 76 percent of workers in the United States report feeling tired many Read More